You Say “Mice,” I Say “Mouses”

You Say "Mice," I Say "Mouses"Heap of Computer Mice - Or is that Mouses?

If you have three computers, do you have three "mice" or three "mouses"? The answer will likely depend on your personal preference. When the term "mouse" was coined for the "small mobile manual device that controls movement of the cursor and selection of functions on a computer display" (Merriam-Webster), the plural of the word was often "mouses." No one seems to know exactly why. Perhaps the word "mice" was simply too rodent-like and carried too negative a connotation. An Internet search will reveal that arguments exist for both terms, and, with popular usage being the determining factor, it’s appropriate to use either "mice" or "mouses." In fact, "mouses" probably has the edge. Why not take a survey at your location and let us know the results?