There’s one mission that drives everything we do.
Delivering exceptional customer service, always.

At eMazzanti Technologies, we’re not satisfied to simply meet industry standards—we aim to smash them. And for over 18 years, we have.

From lightning fast response times to the friendliest support team you’ll ever speak to, we like to go the extra mile for our customers. Our engineering expertise is matched only by the enthusiasm of our engineers, and there’s nothing they love more than solving something that’s been irking you or supporting your business as it scales.

Worldwide Support

We might be based in New Jersey, but we’ve got customers from Hoboken to Hungary, and everywhere in between. Our global network allows us to tap the talents of vendors and partners all around the world, meaning we can deliver the highest quality of service day or night, wherever you are.

Mancini Duffy and eCare Secure Route

eCare Secure Route provides a cloud delivered network security service that blocks advanced attacks, as well as malware, botnets and phishing threats regardless of port, protocol or application

eMazzanti Technologies and Pandora Jewelry

Just before the Pandora Jewelry store in Park City Center Lancaster PA had their grand opening, disaster struck. Luckily they found eMazzanti Technologies and not only solved the problems at hand, but created a lasting partnership for the future.

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