Windows Vista Yields Competitive Advantage, Fuels Growth at Internet Apparel Company is experiencing annual growth of 30 percent. With direction from eMazzanti Technologies, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, it deployed Windows Vista to help maintain a competitive advantage in the crowded, fast-paced industry of Internet brand-name apparel sales. Improved productivity and enhanced data security helped it attract new customers and build loyalty through rapid, reliable service and security-enhanced customer data.


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Success Stories

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eMazzanti Delivers Worry-free IT Infrastructure and Security for KWI’s Cloud-based Retail Platform

eMazzanti’s PCI compliance, business continuity, and IT security services protect KWI’s always-on, omni-channel retailing platform at hundreds of retail stores. With reliable network and POS infrastructure from eMazzanti, KWI realizes on-time store openings, promoting predictable schedules and smooth operations. No-worry IT for customers makes possible an un-edited reference list, enhancing KWI’s business reputation and sales.