Up to Speed with Word



Up to Speed
with Word

When you open Microsoft Office
Word 2007 for the first time, you’ll notice that it looks very different.
That’s because it’s been redesigned to make your work easier, faster, and
more efficient. How does it do that? For starters, it introduces a new
feature, the Ribbon, which brings the most popular commands to the
forefront. Now you won’t have to hunt in various parts of the program for
things you do all the time. Another time-saving feature is the Mini
toolbar, which displays formatting commands in the document, right where
you want to use them. There’s also the new Quick Styles, ready-made styles
that give your document a professional makeover fast.

Watch this demo to get familiar
with the new design, and to see for yourself that you won’t have to learn
Word all over again.

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