PR Firm Juggles Information and Documents More Efficiently With Window Vista

Litzky Public Relations wanted to revamp the outdated technology of its network. Productivity and file management needed upgrading. Tapping the IT expertise of its IT partner, eMazzanti Technologies, the PR firm installed a network solution that included Windows Vista. Instant Search, Flip 3D and Shadow Copy provided efficient document management, and Internet Explorer 7 enhanced online safety while enabling timely Real Simple Syndication (RSS) news feeds.


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eMazzanti Delivers Worry-free IT Infrastructure and Security for KWI’s Cloud-based Retail Platform

eMazzanti’s PCI compliance, business continuity, and IT security services protect KWI’s always-on, omni-channel retailing platform at hundreds of retail stores. With reliable network and POS infrastructure from eMazzanti, KWI realizes on-time store openings, promoting predictable schedules and smooth operations. No-worry IT for customers makes possible an un-edited reference list, enhancing KWI’s business reputation and sales.