October 2009

October 2009
In this issue:

Wall Street Journal
Essential Apparel – PR
Drowning in Data?
Era of Electronic Discovery
Never Lose Another File
Information Overload
Get More
Case Study
Survive the E-Mail Flood

Never Lose Another File

Four Reasons Why the Time Is Right to Adopt Document Management

Where’s the latest client services contract? What’s the medical history on this patient? Where is the case filing from last year’s lawsuit? Why can’t we seem to find the documents we need?

If you’re like most small to midsize businesses today, you can recall a time when you had to rummage through thousands of files — just to get your hands on the one you needed.

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Information Overload
Written by: David Tan, CTO
Courtesy of CHIPS

Experts estimate that as of 1999, there was a total of 9 exabytes of electronically created data in the world. To put that in perspective, 1 exabyte is 1000 petabytes; a petabyte is 1000 terabytes; a terabyte is 1000 gigabytes – you get the idea. In practical terms, if you were to digitize the 17 million books in the Library of Congress, with full formatting, it would be approximately 136 terabytes.

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Get More from Your Data Center
Creating An IT Infrastructure to
Support Consolidation
& Virtualization

Server consolidation and virtualization can increase computing and data center performance while reducing costs. But they also change the power and cooling profile of your data center and can introduce potentially crippling power and cooling challenges.

With consolidation and virtualization, computing is concentrated on fewer servers, so each unit becomes more critical, requiring higher levels of protection.

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“When there are fewer opportunities, there are more choices of whom people are going to do business with,” she says, adding that people are going to “be more influenced by the relationship that you’ve cultivated.”

One of the beneficiaries of eMazzanti Technologies’ largesse this year was a local church, which had trouble setting up an outdoor wireless digital sign board. The Hoboken, N.J., technology company worked on the four-month project free of charge, saving the Our Lady of Grace church some $7,000 to $12,000.

In exchange, the company received an endorsement unlike any other. At a Mass, the pastor thanked the company in front of the congregation.
“My wife says, ‘It’s almost like a referral from God,’ ” says Carl Mazzanti, the 33-year-old chief executive.

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Aug 06, 2009
Hoboken, New Jersey – 09-08, 2009 – By the very nature of being an online retailer, EssentialApparel.com’s success is tethered to the quality of its Internet connection. Both malware and service interruptions can take a bite out of sales and overall productivity. However, eMazzanti had a solution the internet retailer could count on: WatchGuard Firebox, network devices that help fend off malware attacks and insure the continuity of Internet connections. “Essential Apparel needed as close to a perfect solution as it was possible to provide,” noted Carl Mazzanti, chief executive officer, eMazzanti Technologies. .Read more

Drowning in Data?
Tiered Storage Can Help You Stay Afloat
Paper PileThe statistics are overwhelming. Researchers predict that more data will be produced in the next year than has been generated during the entire existence of humankind.Unfortunately, this onslaught means your company data may be growing out of control, and your staff could be struggling to manage ever-lengthening backup times.To keep up, you may be like many who regularly add storage capacity to their servers and SANs. But eventually, you may become frustrated with this pricey and cumbersome habit –and the increasingly long backups it requires.

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Era of Electronic Discovery
Drives Need for Data Management

By Brian Young, Trivalent Group
Today’s technology has created information overload for companies worldwide. We are inundated with digital data every day. In a recent study, research firm IDC reports electronic information created and replicated within the workplace is growing at a faster pace than any other segment of the digital universe. According to the IDC, about 25 percent of the data generated last year, both original and copied, came from the business world. By 2010, IDC predicts that portion will increase to 30 percent.Read more

eMazzanti Yields Competitive Advantage, Fuels Growth at Internet Apparel Company

EssentialApparel.com is experiencing annual growth of 30 percent. With direction from eMazzanti Technologies, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, it deployed Windows Vista to help maintain a competitive advantage in the crowded, fast-paced industry of Internet brand-name apparel sales. Improved productivity and enhanced data security helped it attract new customers and build loyalty through rapid, reliable service and security-enhanced customer data.

Survive the E-Mail Flood with Better StorageIf each e-mail was a drop of water, your company would likely find itself in the midst of a flood. That’s because e-mail has moved beyond business convenience into the role of strategic communication tool.Along with all of its tremendous benefits, however, e-mail systems have also introduced various challenges.

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at {e}Mazzanti

eMazzanti seeks bright
minds to join the team.

Refer a Network
Engineer to
and be eligible for a
shopping spree at
eMazzanti’s online store,
Qualifying applicants
must receive full time
employment and have
referenced the referring
friend on the original
application in order for the
referrer to be eligible for
the annual drawing.
Shopping spree is limited
to $1,000 in merchandise.

Proud member of

{e}Mazzanti Technologies  *  701 Grand Street  *  Hoboken, NJ  07030  *  201-360-4400