November 2010


November 2010
In this issue:

aNb Media Customer Testimonial Video
eCare Business Continuity
Avoid Virtualization Pitfalls
Maximize Your
Virtualization ROI
It’s Not Easy Being Green!
The Virtual Office Checklist
Toy Publisher Finds New Super Hero in eMazzanti
Share Your Experience with
Maximize Your Virtualization ROI
reprinted with permission from HP
Virtualization technology is a great way to increase business agility while reducing infrastructure costs. But it can also add another layer of management complexity, resulting in higher management costs and lower ROI. You need the right software tools to realize the full benefits of virtualization. Read On

It’s Not Easy
Being Green!

Written by: David Tan, CTO
Traditionally, standard business practice for Information Technology has dictated that the primary focus of IT decisions and initiatives is based on the economic impact and viability. In other words, how much will it cost, and how much will it save me over time, and when will I recoup my investment. This mindset has started to change drastically in the last year or so, as companies adopt a Green IT mentality, and start to consider not only the economic impact of their decisions, but the environmental and social as well. The problem is, for IT, it’s not easy being green.Read on

The Virtual
Office Checklist

used with permission from the Cisco Small Business Center.Here are some things to consider when choosing Cisco SMB Solutions that enable you and your colleagues to work from anywhere.

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aNb Media Customer Testimonial Video" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">aNb Media speaks out in a way everyone can understand about their needs and what eMazzanti Technologies was able to do for their business.

" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Click Here to See the Video

eCare Business Continuity Virtualization is only as good as the business continuity system backing up your infrastructure. With eMazzanti’s eCare Business Continuity its fast virtualization capabilities, our eCare device can be configured to function as a standby server if needed. This unique device also can replace management intensive, error- prone tape backups while providing much more . . . starting with peace of mind.Read More

Avoid Virtualization Pitfalls
Five best practices for getting started with virtualization

reprinted with permission from HP
To save money on equipment and time on system maintenance, more and more businesses are deploying virtual servers. Reduced overhead and simplified management can free up resources that can be applied toward innovation and other valuable projects that sharpen the business’ competitive edge. But virtualization does have its pitfalls. Creating new virtual servers haphazardly can easily lead to out-of-control server sprawl. Stacking too many applications on one host can leave them competing for resources. And managing your virtual resources among your physical machines can get complicated, especially for IT staff accustomed to managing only one application per physical server.Realizing the benefits of virtualization hinges on good planning, properly balancing your resources and employing the right skills and experience. Here are a few tips to help you avoid some of the more common challenges of virtualization.

Set expectations In a traditional server environment, business units can come to expect full use of an entire server box, which usually provides more than enough capacity, making it seem like a bottomless resource. But the dynamic nature of virtualization means that resources are shared, as well as the cost of managing or acquiring them. Without clear guidelines and support from the rest of the organization, you may get conflicting requests or even refusals to virtualize certain assets.

Get business stakeholder participation and buy-in early to help you manage the transition to virtualization and ensure that it aligns with overall business goals. Be proactive about educating all affected stakeholders and users about how resources will be allocated and shared. Also explain the business benefits of moving to virtualization.

Balance resource needs A major benefit of virtualization is increased resource utilization. But too many applications vying for the same resources may leave those applications competing for inadequate RAM, processor capacity, disk I/O or network bandwidth.

Before moving anything to a virtual server, take stock of your applications and their computing requirements. In particular, identify those that experience heavy spikes in demand for specific resources. Some of these applications may be better suited for traditional servers. Group the rest of your applications that don’t rely heavily on the same resources. As a best practice, distribute your applications strategically across your virtual servers so that each has what it needs to perform well.

Don’t overload physical servers Getting your virtual assets to run smoothly and play well together is one thing. But keep in mind that they still reside on a physical host server, which also requires periodical maintenance and upgrades. If you’re running multiple physical hosts, be sure to distribute your mission critical applications strategically, so that taking a single host server down for maintenance doesn’t disable multiple mission critical applications at once.

Also keep in mind that virtual servers, like physical servers have cyclical resource needs that can spike dramatically when business processes are most demanding, whether that be weekly or once a quarter. Make sure you plan for these spikes when allocating resources for your servers and applications.

Clustering physical servers and virtual servers is another way to avoid physical host server overload. By freely mixing virtual servers with physical servers, clustering can help you address resource spikes and make sure that mission critical applications are appropriately balanced across multiple servers (be they physical or virtual). Clustering also minimizes risk, because your resources aren’t restricted to one physical machine and one single point of failure.

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Toy Publisher Finds New Super Hero in eMazzanti IT SolutionsSituation:
aNb Media is the owner of launched in fall 2008.TimetoPlayMag, the company’s family brand, offers consumers an in-depth look at the newest, hottest toy and family entertainment products .The company is deeply committed to the families and is nationally recognized as a major contributor to the KIDS charity (Kids in Distressed Situations). As the company has grown to 13 people, the firm’s network, hardware and software have become a hodge-podge of disparate technologies and incompatibilities. Other network issues such as effective firewalls, spam filters, slow internet access and sporadic backup protection, dramatically impede productivity in and out of the office and flood employee computers and mobile devices with spam. The end result: IT issues are costing the company an estimated $200,000 annually and hurting their public outreach efforts.


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