Carl and Jennifer Mazzanti in 07030 Magazine


Carl and Jennifer MazzantiThis computer network service has been growing strong since 2001. Owned by the husband-and-wife team of Carl and Jennifer Mazzanti, it has about 400 clients and a staff of 19 that’s growing by the month. The company offers security, design, thousands of products, and monthly Incare Support, as well as acting as the IT department for smaller clients.

“We knew Hoboken was right strategically,”Jennifer says. “The largest city in the world is across the river, and we could also spread out into New Jersey.”

They are already outgrowing their 2,000-square-foot space but insist that they “won’t look outside of Hoboken, where we have built a life.” They live at Maxwell Place and have two boys, ages 4 and 2.

Carl’s favorite eatery was Schnackenberg’s, which is currently closed for renovations. Carl has nicknamed it “Schnacky’s.” The couple likes to work at the Malibu Diner. “We go at night when we have a big project,”
Jennifer says. “We put a ton of paperwork on the table and stay late.” Another local haunt is Elysian Cafe.

“We are huge proponents of shopping local,” Jennifer says. “I shop the boutiques on Washington instead of ordering on the Internet. It’s like us versus Best Buy-the same issue.”