Gus Aponte, Kepont Electronics, Inc.

Before MXINSPECT our server would get between 300-500 spam, spyware, junk emails per day and sometime even more, these unwanted emails would tie up memory, hard drive space, time, and there was the fear of virus infections…

Carl and Doug recommended MXINSPECT and I must tell you it was one of the best IT support decisions I made…  It filters 98% of my of unwanted spam, spyware, junk emails and the ones it doesn’t get or I want to block, I can add those emails to the MXINSPECT system…

Besides blocking unwanted emails we’ve had lost of power and DSL connection and MXinspect backups the emails and release them when power and/or DSL connections are restored…

I never have to worry about loosing an important message again…


Gus Aponte

Kepont Electronics, Inc.