“Five Years in The Game” eMazzanti Technologies Anniversary Celebration

On Wednesday, August 23rd, eMazzanti Technologies, a Hoboken-based firm specializing in business network consulting, held its “Five Years in The Game” anniversary celebration in conjunction with the Newark Bears at Bears and Eagles Riverfront Stadium.   The event included client education seminars, activities during the game, and a client appreciation reception.   The following are highlights of the event:


eMazzanti Technologies - Newark Bears Baseball SignThe day’s activities began at 11:00 when eMazzanti’s clients and prospective clients arrived at the Hall of Fame Conference Center at Bears and Eagles Riverfront Stadium to participate in educational seminars presented by some of technology’s leading vendors including, American Power Conversion (APC), WatchGuard Technologies, Overland Storage and MXINSPECT. Presentations on how to better market their businesses were presented by Genevate Corporation, a web development firm based in Falmouth, MA, and by The New York Enterprise Report. eMazzanti Technologies Day - APC Demo TruckThe training sessions were interspersed with prize giveaways, a stadium tour and a trip to the APC demonstration van, a full size network datacenter on wheels, which parked at the main gate of the stadium. Attendees were also treated to a networking lunch where they opportunity to meet with fellow businesses owners and share ideas about how technology impacts their businesses. The education portion of the event wrapped at 6PM as the stadium began to fill with fans and the guest proceeded up to the Client Appreciation Reception.


eMazzanti Technologies - Mayor Booker City of Newark ProclimationAll fans who attended the game that night were given an eMazzanti backpack at the stadium entrance to signify the firms sponsorship of that night’s game against the Road Warriors. As the game began, eMazzanti owners Jennifer Shine and Carl Mazzanti were called onto the field to receive a proclamation prepared by Newark Mayor Cory Booker. The proclamation was presented by Terrance Bankston, Director of Constituent Services for Newark, in honor of eMazzanti’s 5th Anniversary and the firm’s contributions to the city and the region. Mr. Bankston then threw out a first pitch followed by eMazzanti’s owners and two clients who have worked with eMazzanti since the company began. The national anthem featured the vocal styling of Dr. Rosemary Albano Mazzanti, the mother of CEO Carl Mazzanti.


eMazzanti Technologies - Newark Bears Executive Party DeckThe reception took place on the Executive Deck of the stadium during the game featured dinner and drinks open to a larger group of eMazzanti’s clients, vendors, friends and family representing over 70 local businesses and visitors from as far away as Seattle. The deck was adorned with helium balloons as far as the eye could see as well as banners and other festive decorations. The event had a definite family flavor as clients were encouraged to bring their children to the game. Kids received special goody bags and three were chosen to participate in the Bear’s “Ketchup, Mustard and Relish” race around the bases on the field during the middle of the 6th inning. Guests were treated to a dinner of traditional ballpark foods and drinks at a private bar. eMazzanti Technologies - Suite APC GiveawayRandom prize drawings were held in a adjacent suite and attendees walked away with several thousand dollars in prizes during the game. The bears also emerged victorious in a 7-6 win that came down to the wire in the 9th inning.


Via email
“I wanted to say thank you so much for the invitation to a great night out.   I just wish that we could have stayed longer.   And thanks for the wonderful gifts!”
-Sean D. Pierce, MD

“Hi Carl: Just thought I’d drop you a line and express our sincere thanks and appreciation for all you have done for us yesterday.   The seminar was very interesting, and informative.   The game and all events were a lot of fun.   It was truly a great day! Sincerely, Rosemary, Jonathan and friends at Saddle Brook”