eMazzanti Technologies | Technology Newsletter | Hoboken, NJ – New York, NY | November 2014

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eMazzanti Technologies
November 2014  |  eMazzanti Technologies Offers Comprehensive IT Relocation and Upgrade Services  |  Encryption in Office 365  |  What IT Can You Outsource?  |  Which type of cloud is right for your business?  |  Security: How do you score?  |  Where in the World is eMazzanti?  |  Monthly Cartoon  |  Your chance to win!  |  eMazzanti Presents. . .  |  eMazzanti Rocks!  |  Opportunities
eMazzanti Technologies Offers Comprehensive IT Relocation and Upgrade Services
Managed IT services provider helps companies move their networks and computers quickly and securely while reducing costs by bringing networks and services up to date

Hoboken, NJ (Vocus) November 3, 2014 – eMazzanti Technologies, a New York City area IT consultant and managed services provider, today announced that it is offering comprehensive technology relocation and upgrade services to area businesses. Services are being offered to existing customers and to any business located within the firm’s Northeast U.S. service area.

Available technology relocation services include planning, physical transport of IT equipment and furniture, and coordinated disconnect and reconnect, all performed with data reliability and continuity of operations. Engineers can also show customers how to reduce operating costs by bringing their existing systems up to date at the time of the move. Read more →

Encryption in Office 365
used with permission from Microsoft

Office 365 Message Encryption is an easy-to-use service that lets email users send encrypted messages to people inside or outside their organization. Designated recipients can easily view their encrypted messages and return encrypted replies. Regardless of the destination email service—whether it’s Outlook.com, Yahoo, Gmail, or another service—email users can send confidential business communications with an added level of protection against unauthorized access.

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What IT Can You Outsource?
used with permission from HTS

Outsourcing your IT (often called managed IT services) has many benefits for small- to medium-sized businesses. Businesses without large IT staffs or the necessary tech skills or infrastructure often choose managed services to take the place of or supplement their own IT professionals. This allows for

Flexibility when growing or moving: A managed services provider can give you temporary resources when upgrading your infrastructure, for example

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Outsourced IT

Outsourced IT

Business Continuity

Business Continuity

Network Security

Network Security

Managed Print

Managed Print
Which type of cloud is right for your business?
used with permission from Technology at Work

OK, you’ve made the decision to move to the cloud. It’s now time to determine which cloud solution and set of supporting services is right not only for you, but potentially for your clients. After all, you’re also working with and safeguarding their data assets.

As we’ve previously touched upon, numerous public, managed, private and hybrid options abound, with varying levels of data privacy, security, flexibility and ready accessibility.

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Security: How do you score?
used with permission from HP Technology at Work

We’ve all heard it time and again: You can’t manage what you can’t measure—and it’s especially true for enterprise security. If you’re like most organizations, your security posture can use some improvement, as HP Enterprise Security affirmed in its State of Security Operations report that found:

– Nearly a quarter of assessed security operations centers do not meet the minimum requirements to provide consistent security monitoring.

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PCI Compliance

PCI Compliance

Mobile Workforce

Mobile Workforce

Email Protection

Email Protection


Where in the World is eMazzanti?

Monthly Cartoon

November Cartoon

Your chance to win!

Please share with us what technology advancements you are making in 2015 for your chance to win a $50 Starbucks gift card.Click here to take the quick survey!

eMazzanti Presents…


High Quality IT Solutions – eMazzanti Technologies Delivers

Watch the Video →

eMazzanti Rocks!

“eMazzanti Technologies is one of the top solution providers in the country driving big return on investment for customers. Congratultions on the LEADERSHIP SOLUTIONS you’re providing to clients!”

Steven Burke
Everything Channel

eMazzanti Careers

eMazzanti seeks bright minds to join the team.

Currently we have multiple Open Positions! Check them out here!

Microsoft Partner of the Year

HP Partner of the Year

Inc 500 5000


ShoreTelSky Partner of the Year

701 Grand Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 | 1-866-EMAZZANTI