eMazzanti Technologies | Technology Newsletter | Hoboken, NJ – New York, NY | June 2017

June 2017 Newsletter
3 Steps to Protect Critical
Business Data from WannaCry Ransomware Attack
May 17, 2017, by Cloud Services New York City
On Friday, May 12, an unprecedented ransomware attack hit more than 200,000 computers in 150 countries. Experts warn that attacks like this will increase, and copycat versions of the initial ransomware have already been detected. Protect your organization’s critical data now by implementing these key security measures.

In April, Symantec released its annual Internet Security Threat Report.

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eMazzanti Presents

Mancini Duffy and eCare Secure Route

6 Email Security Tips to Defend Against Increasing Attacks
May 30,, 2017, by Cloud Services New York City
Know what to look for and arm your organization with six simple, but effective, defense strategies.

Email is Weapon of Choice

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Tech News
You can 3D-print that?
used with permission from HP Technology at Work
The world of 3D printing is growing and changing rapidly, with radical new innovations in the news every day. Here are just a few of the latest printing breakthroughs happening around the world.

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How an Evolving Data Ecosystem is Transforming the Healthcare Industry”
with permission from IBM Big Data & Analytics Hub, by Elizabeth Koumpan, Executive Architect, IBM
We live in interesting time, where everything is changing. While data has become a commodity, information analytics now deliver us new interesting insights and thus, consumers expect more and better services. We see how wearables have changed our life.

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Tech Gags

We are so happy to be a finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year! #EOYNJ

Where in the World is eMazzanti?

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eMazzanti Careers

eMazzanti seeks bright minds to join the team. Currently we have multiple open positions! Check them out here!

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