eMazzanti Technologies | Technology Newsletter | Hoboken, NJ – New York, NY | July 2012

                                                            Security and Identity:
Fact and Fiction Event
                                                            Is Your Business Prepared?
                                                            Disaster Recovery Solutions
                                                            Business Interruption Planning
                                                            Ensure IT Resilience
                                                            WPC Digital 2012 – MPN Live
                                                            eMazzanti Rocks!
                                                            Where in the World is
                                                            Business Continuity:
Business as usual
                                                            A Business Continuity Plan Gives You One Less Thing to Worry About
                                                            Be Prepared For Anything
                                                            Business Resiliency
Business Continuity: Business as usual.
No matter what.

Five steps every business should take to prepare for a business interruption.
When people think of disasters, they generally envision hurricanes, tornados or floods – catastrophic events that devastate communities. But for a business, a disaster can be something as small as a failed switch or computer virus. These seemingly minor events can have a shocking impact on a business, often bringing operations to a standstill. Read More

A Business Continuity Plan Gives You
One Less Thing to
Worry About

used with permission from HP Technology at Work

When a business’s data is compromised, it’s just a matter of time before things begin to fall apart. As a result, the importance of having a business continuity plan in place is never clearer than during times like these. Sometimes known as a disaster recovery plan, a business continuity plan not only prepares your business for how to protect its data, but also how to prepare itself in the event of a catastrophic power failure or natural disaster.

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Be Prepared
for Anything –
Not Just Disaster

reprinted with permission from HP

Most companies spend time anticipating and planning for disasters. But in a global economy, where opportunity and risk go hand-in-hand, other events can be as devastating to the unprepared as any hurricane.

The corporate landscape is dotted with potential landmines that can take a toll on businesses:

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Business Resiliency Prevents Downtime, Data Loss & Disaster
used with permission from
IBM ForwardView

For years, midsize companies have protected themselves against downtime and data loss caused by disasters such as hurricanes and fires. But in today’s intelligent and interconnected world, where information is one of the most valuable assets a business can have, many midsize companies are not doing enough to protect themselves from the full range of risk.

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Security and Identity: Fact & Fiction
Total Recall Movie Screening Event

Total Recall - Informative Movie Screening Event - eMazzanti Presents Security & Identity: Fact and Fiction

Ever wonder how much of what you see in the movies is real? Please join eMazzanti Technologies for a Private Screening of the movie TOTAL RECALL, starring Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, and Jessica Biel. This event presents a unique opportunity to explore the myth and reality of computer network security and how it affects your lives. We will hear from a panel of network security experts as we examine the concepts introduced by the film. There is no charge for this event, but registration is required and space is limited, so please register as soon as possible by filling out the form below.

Feature: Total Recall movie
Date: August 8, 2012
Time: 9:30AM – 12PM
Location: Edgewater Multiplex Cinema – 339 River Road, Edgewater, NJ 07020 – (800) 315-4000 – Directions

9:30 – 10:00 Welcome and Breakfast
10:00 – 10:20 Security & Identity: Fact & Fiction Presentation
10:20 – 10:30 Q&A
10:30-12:30 Total Recall movie

Is Your Business Prepared For
an Emergency?

Disasters happen. Is your business ready?Preparing for an emergency is a key factor to business continuity after a disaster. Wherever the threat comes from – whether it’s physical, virtual, network failure or cybercrime-related – it’s important your business is equipped to deal with the problem.

In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates over 40% of businesses never reopen following a disaster.

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Disaster Recovery Solutions —
More Accessible, and More Necessary, Than Ever Before

used with permission from the Microsoft Small Business Site
Very few of us would hide our life savings under our mattress with confidence that those funds would remain safe and sound. Financial institutions provide us with a plethora of options for the safekeeping of our money, so it’s crazy to think that we’d opt for hiding all of our cash in the bedroom. Read More

Business Interruption Planning Not Just for Big Business: 10 misconceptions about disaster recovery
Paul Sullivan has seen it all. A 25-year veteran of disaster recovery and business continuity management, Sullivan witnessed the growth of continuity planning among the Fortune 1000 in the 1980s. He watched, first hand, the successes and failures of business continuity plans following the events of September 11, 2001 and in 2005 throughout the most active hurricane season in recorded history. Today, Sullivan is helping small and medium-sized companies plan for and recover after significant business interruptions.“Continuity planning has always been associated with big business,” said Sullivan.

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      Ensure IT Resilience
Creating an IT Infrastructure for Business Continuity
Business continuity is an issue that no organization can afford to ignore. In fact, according to The Definitive Handbook for Business Management, between 60 and 90 percent of companies without a proactive disaster plan find themselves out of business within 24 months of experiencing a major disaster. Increasingly, IT power and cooling are becoming more important as factors in ensuring business continuity. These 10 steps provide a good start. Read More
WPC Digital 2012 – MPN Live –
Jennifer Mazzanti speaks along with Panel members

Watch the Video

WOW – WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! just wanted to let you know that I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders – usually after lunch I can expect 50-70 emails waiting for me – today I had just 5!!! It looks like the MXINSPECT system is starting to go to work. . . AHHhhhhhhhhhhThanks again,
-Gary Girouard
Galileo Music Corporation

Send Us Your
Video Testimonial!

Share your thoughts about your experience with eMazzanti and be entered into a contest to win a Zune HD Media Player!  Each quarter we will choose the best submission and the winner will receive a Zune HD Media Player.  We can’t wait to hear from you!  Email your submission to [email protected]

Where in the World is eMazzanti?


                                        eMazzanti seeks bright
minds to join the team.

                    Currently we have
four Open Positions!
                    Check them out here!

                    Refer a Network                     Engineer and be eligible for a                     shopping spree at Mazzanti’s online store.  Qualifying applicants                     must receive full time                     employment and have                     referenced the referring                     friend on the original                     application in order for the                     referrer to be eligible for                     the annual drawing.                      Shopping spree is limited                     to $1,000 in merchandise.


                    Watch our Recruitment Video!