eMazzanti Technologies | Technology Newsletter | Hoboken, NJ – New York, NY | January 2014

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eMazzanti Technologies
January 2014  |  eMazzanti Debuts eMail and Website Defense Site  |  Ransomware in the Enterprise  |  Safety is an Active Verb |  Risky Business  |  Get Smart About Security  |  Where in the World is eMazzanti?  |  eMazzanti Presents. . .  |  eMazzanti Rocks!  |  Opportunities
eMazzanti Debuts eMail and Website Defense Site
Hoboken, New Jersey ­- (Vocus) October, 2013 –Websites and emails are two of the most vulnerable elements in a company’s network according to eMazzanti Technologies, an IT expert in the New York City and Hoboken, New Jersey areas. For those reasons, it has created a new website at: http://www.mxwebinspect.com, which provides web and email defense along with message archive services.

“It’s a never-ending battle to protect email communications from spam, viruses and other threats,” says Jennifer Mazzanti, president eMazzanti Technologies. “The challenge can be particularly draining on organizations with limited IT resources or email threat expertise.”

MXINSPECT email Defense

Businesses that rely on efficient email communications can turn to MXINSPECT for help in eliminating the email threats -that sap productivity, increase storage, bandwidth and administrative costs, and put their networks at risk.Read more →

Ransomware in the Enterprise
used with permission from Microsoft
by Marianne Mallen, Vidya Sekhar, & Ben Hope

The enterprise space isn’t immune to emerging malware threats – an infection can be costly and frustrating to any organization. One problem affecting the enterprise space is ransomware – a type of malware designed to render a computer or its files unusable until you pay a certain amount of money to the attacker. This threat is affecting machines in greater numbers, and because it locks users out of their files, it can be an expensive problem for an organization with time-sensitive deadlines.

Ransomware often masquerades as an official-looking warning from a well-known law enforcement agency in the victim’s locale.

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Safety is an active verb
used with permission from Microsoft
by Kim Sanchez

When we are young, we are taught to brush our teeth in order to develop healthy and preventative habits. Hopefully by the time we reach adulthood, the act of brushing every morning has become second nature. Yet, when we go online, we don’t always take the same preventative measures with our personal information. Perhaps it’s because we haven’t placed enough importance on developing this healthy habit? Microsoft released the US results of the third Microsoft Computing Safety Index (MCSI). Designed to gauge consumer online safety habits and behaviors, the Index reveals that the US score has decreased year-after-year since it was first launched in 2011.

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Outsourced IT

Outsourced IT

Business Continuity

Business Continuity

Network Security

Network Security

Managed Print

Managed Print
Risky business
reprinted with permission from the HP
Technology at Work

The vast variety of responsibilities, details and processes involved with running a business means that IT concerns sometimes fall by the wayside. But even if your technology seems to be running smoothly, it’s extremely important that you continuously work to keep it secure. After all, one serious attack or incident could put your vital data in the hands of criminals—and might mean the end for your business.

Here are some suggestions on how to give your business a “security makeover” to ensure that your important information stays safe.

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Get smart about security
used with permission from HP Technology at Work

Congratulations, you’ve taken every step to secure data on your networks and PCs against increasingly malicious worms, Trojans and viruses. But don’t rest easy. All infrastructure elements, including printers, servers, storage, Wi-Fi networks and cloud computing are just as susceptible to surprising security threats. Forget them and your sense of security is nothing but a dream.

Whether they’re criminals looking to blackmail your business, technically savvy vandals getting their kicks, revenge-minded former employees or even competitors, hackers all have one thing in common: they want to disrupt your business operations for money, other gain—or simply for fun.

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PCI Compliance

PCI Compliance

Mobile Workforce

Mobile Workforce

Email Protection

Email Protection


Where in the World is eMazzanti?

Support Trees for America!

Share your thoughts about your experience with eMazzanti and to thank you for writing a review, eMazzanti will donate $50 to Trees For America in order to plant trees in areas that have been affected by disaster. We can’t wait to hear from you!To find out how to help click here.

eMazzanti Presents…

eMazzanti Technologies and WatchGuard Ace Safety, Speed and Cost Test

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eMazzanti Rocks!

“eMazzanti Technologies is one of the top solution providers in the country driving big return on investment for customers. Congratultions on the LEADERSHIP SOLUTIONS you’re providing to clients!”

Steven Burke
Everything Channel

eMazzanti Careers

eMazzanti seeks bright minds to join the team.

Currently we have multiple Open Positions! Check them out here!

Microsoft Partner of the Year

HP Partner of the Year

Inc 500 5000


ShoreTelSky Partner of the Year

701 Grand Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 | 1-866-EMAZZANTI