eMazzanti Technologies | Technology Newsletter | Hoboken, NJ – New York, NY | February 2017

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eMazzanti Technologies
February 2017  |  The Importance of Cyber Security for Law Firms  |  3 techniques for successful cloud collaboration  |  eMazzanti Presents…   |  Looking for web design and development services?  |  Monthly Cartoon  |  Azure Backup protects against ransomware |  15th Anniversary!  |  How to improve disaster recovery preparedness  |  Where in the World is eMazzanti?  |  eMazzanti Careers  |  eMazzanti Rocks!
The Importance of Cyber Security for Law Firms
February 3, 2017 eMazzanti Blog, Legal IT

Few industries handle as much sensitive material on a daily basis as the legal vertical—or have as much to lose if a cyber attack occurs. Law firms are becoming increasingly reliant on technology, and hackers are only growing more sophisticated in their methods of attack. If your cyber security is not up to the challenge of keeping them out, you leave your firm—and your clients—at risk.

Any cyber attack, regardless of magnitude, is worrisome. A large-scale breach can be devastating. If your firm’s computer systems are damaged or disabled for even a day, the resulting loss in revenue and productivity may be massive. Worse, a single hacked email account has the potential to reveal a plethora of confidential information pertaining to hundreds, if not thousands, of clients. If a firm proves itself incapable of protecting its network and data, clients will not trust it to handle their business.Read more →

3 techniques for successful cloud collaboration
used with permission from Microsoft Office Blogs

What’s your business’s motivation for implementing cloud collaboration solutions? The ones we hear most frequently are increased productivity, accelerated decision-making and improved sales. But here’s the surprise: According to the 2016 Connected Enterprise Report, one in four IT groups aren’t measuring cloud collaboration results by whether business goals were achieved.

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eMazzanti Presents

eMazzanti Couture IT for Retail

Watch the Video →

Looking for web design and development services?
You don’t have to look any further.eMazzanti Technologies is now your one-stop shop for all your
Web Design & Development and Digital Marketing needs.

Monthly Cartoon
Azure Backup protects against ransomware
used with permission from Microsoft Secure Blog

According to the most recent CRN Quarterly Ransomware Report, malicious infrastructure attacks increased 3500% in 2016 and the percentage is expected to increase in 2017. One important way that organizations can help protect against losses in a ransomware attack is to have a backup of business critical information in case other defenses fail.

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Celebrating 15 years!

How to improve disaster recovery preparedness
used with permission from Microsoft US Small and Midsize Business Blog

If you woke up tomorrow and ran a marathon, how would you fare? It’s highly doubtful that you would successfully run the 26.2 miles without months of training, drills, and exercises.

The same is true for disaster recovery (DR): The chance that you could successfully recover IT operations without having exercised your DR plans on a regular basis is slim at best. The chance that you could successfully recover and meet your recovery objectives is zero. Yet Forrester finds that exercising DR plans is one area in which many businesses continue to fall short.

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Where in the World is eMazzanti?

eMazzanti Careers

eMazzanti seeks bright minds to join the team.

Currently we have multiple Open Positions! Check them out here!

eMazzanti Rocks!

“Working with eMazzanti has enabled us to create a scalable IT solution that we can roll out to multiple locations. It’s a huge cost savings in the future development and growth of our company.”

Chris McCullough, US Flagship Gallery Manager, Timothy Oulton


701 Grand Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 | 1-866-EMAZZANTI