eMazzanti speaks out at Manhattan Chamber of Commerce SIG

eMazzanti Technologies - MCC SIG Convergance of Voice and DataeMazzanti Technologies participates in Manhattan Chamber of Commerce quarterly Technology Special Interest Group event at Timer Warner hosted by Mr. Howard Szarfarc, Sr. V.P. GM of Time Warner Cable. The discussion’s roundtable format allowed insight to be offered by some key participants throughout the event. Firms like eMazzanti Technologies with its unique background in both Data and Voice networks offers a unique insight into the convergence of services within corporate America.

Involvement in events like the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce SIGs is just one way that eMazzanti Technologies gives back to businesses within the Tri-state area. Insight into Network Design, how to write ups on optimizing systems to drive revenue and improve performance are just some of the areas which eMazzanti can draw from its experience to complete the greater community. As a whole events such as this expand the knowledge base of the greater Manhattan area and each Quarter eMazzanti draws upon its experiences to contribute to these knowledge sharing sessions.

eMazzanti Technologies Manhattan Chamber of Commerce SIG

Event Speakers:
Carl Mazzanti of eMazzanti Technologies and Guy D’Aleo of M5 Networks

Moderation by:
Ramon Ray, Small Business Technologies

Event Site:
Time Warner Cable
120 East 23rd Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY