eMazzanti is Victorious at Microsoft vs. Linux Smackdown

eMazzanti Technologies - Microsoft vs. Linux Smackdown at SkirmishThe competition between Linux and Microsoft has always been wagged on the battle filed of blinking lights, keyboard strokes, and business systems.

Today Microsoft claimed a different form of victory as eMazzanti Technologies and Symbio Technologies battled it out over a healthy game of Paintball. With some forty participants eMazzanti claimed victory against the Linux boot appliance manufacturer Symbio Technologies, as eMazzanti rained paintballs.

“eMazzanti had some clear advantages in this competition, we were organized, prepared and ready for the challenge that lie ahead”, said Andrew Rosen.

In one decisive victory, a participant stormed a hill grabbing the other team’s flag screaming this one is for Windows.

Overall the event was a big success letting system developers, network engineers and support staff work together.

eMazzanti Technologies - Trademark {e} at Linux vs. Microsoft Smackdown Competition vs. eMazzanti Technologies - Symbio Technologies Logo