Don’t be an Unknowing Victim of the Downturn

Don’t be an Unknowing Victim of the Downturn
By Jack Safrit, AXXYS

If you have listened to the radio recently, you may have heard commercials regarding the illegal installation of software. The Business Software Alliance (BSA) is a non-profit trade association supported by its vendor partners in an attempt to advance the goals of the software industry – specifically it promotes the legal and safe distribution of software as intellectual property. As companies have downsized and laid off employees, the BSA has been running radio spots encouraging individuals to turn in their employers and ex-employers who they believe are not in compliance regarding software purchases and copyright laws.

Now is not the time you want your current or previous staff members to turn your company in to the BSA. The repercussions to your company can include heavy fines, require you to become compliant at full list pricing, or legal action against your company. Plus the downside to installing software purchased illegally can be unwittingly installed viruses, no technical support from vendors, and possible incompatibility.

Don’t become a victim. Monitor what software you and your employees install on systems that fall under your responsibility. Keep invoices of purchases in a compliance folder – the BSA will want to see proof of purchase not merely the license agreement. And finally, consider distributing a written company policy forbidding installation of software for which your company does not have a legal license.