December 2010

December 2010
In this issue:

Cloud Computing
What is Green Computing
When You Wish Upon “The Cloud”
How Does Cloud Computing Work?
Look to the Cloud
Toy Publisher Finds New Super Hero in eMazzanti
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When You Wish Upon “The Cloud”
by Erin Griffin
used with permission from the Microsoft Small Business Website

It seems that every networking event this year, every tech magazine issue, and every vendor worth its salt is talking about “the cloud.” The cloud, in one of its many forms – public, private, or mixed – has become ubiquitous! I’ll confess: I started off my cloud gazing with little interest and several doubts, but I’ve learned a lot over the past year about the potential benefits of obtaining software, platform, and infrastructure as cloud services. I’m not quite ready to “drink the kool aid” yet, but it’s starting to look pretty tasty.

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How Does Cloud Computing Work?How does Cloud Computing work? Cloud Computing is Internet-based processing, where computing infrastructure, software applications, business processes and collaboration and information capabilities are delivered to computers and other devices (such as smart phones and tablet PCs) on demand over the Internet. So, the “cloud” we’re talking about is not a white puffy thing in the sky, it’s the metaphor used to describe capabilities that are available via the Internet.

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Look to the Cloud to Save Money and Build Business
used with permission from the IBM website

Cloud computing is not pie in the sky. It offers tangible benefits that real-world businesses need to meet the demands—and take advantage of the opportunities—of today’s instrumented, interconnected and intelligent world. As the world grows smarter, cloud computing offers ways your midsize organization can work more efficiently and more productively, simultaneously saving money and enhancing your business and IT operations.

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How Does Cloud Computing Work? Available from eMazzanti Technologies
Hoboken, New Jersey – December 2, 2010 –Is cloud computing just another industry buzz word or is it more than vapor? The answer according to a new article published by eMazzanti Technologies is: Yes and Yes. Yes, cloud computing is a computer industry buzzword and—most importantly—yes, it has substance.

The new publication: How Does Cloud Computing Work? is a snapshot of what cloud computing is and how it can make a difference for small or medium sized businesses.

How Cloud Computing Can Reduce Costs
Most small and medium size businesses are very interested in reducing costs where ever possible. Public or private cloud computing solutions are worth investigating. Broadly speaking, Cloud Computing can benefit your company in the following ways:
Lower up-front investment
Dynamic scalability
Enrich experiences across PCs, phones and browser
Rapid deployment
Distributed disaster recovery scenarios
Reputation-based technologies (technologies that come from major providers)

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Businesses that rely on the Internet need around-the-clock protection from today’s quickly-evolving online threats – from spam and viruses to spyware and fraudulent phishing attacks. –Unfortunately, many businesses do not have the resources or expertise necessary to manage and maintain effective online security solutions. That’s why businesses, state and local governments, and educational institutions worldwide trust MXINSPECTSM to protect their networks against converging email and Web threats with our effective, reliable solutions, which are easy to administer and use, and help organizations to:

Reduce business disruption
Safeguard the integrity of business communications
Increase employee productivity
Lower IT costs associated with Web and email threat management

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What is Green ComputingWhat is green computing? How can it impact my business? Two great questions that eMazzanti Technologies has answers for.

Did you know that in addition to effecting your business communications, online threats also contribute to our growing climate crisis? Viruses, malware and spyware often draw on the processing power of your computer, even when you aren’t using it. This consumes energy and adds to CO2 emissions. By using our MXINSPECT anti-malware services you can protect your business and reduce your overall energy consumption . . . and your electric bills.

Your choice of computer hardware and software can also address the question: What is green computing? They both have a significant effect on the environment and your bottom line. For example, computers that run the new Microsoft Windows 7 operating system use less power according to the hands-on experience of the eMazzanti team:

“Trigger Start Services is a new Windows 7 feature that fires-up only when needed. This enables faster start-up and shut down of your computer as well as reducing power consumption,” said Jennifer Mazzanti.
“It takes time for a computer processor to get to a true idle state. Think of it as the deep REM sleep we finally get to at night,” continued Mazzanti. “In previous operating systems and over time, a long list of automatic service requests associated with webcams, IM clients, MP3 players and photo editing applications keeps consuming resources -memory, I/O and CPU. These all bog the computer down. Fortunately, Windows 7 has the answer and ‘batches’ the work or engages just as the resources are needed.”
“The Power Management feature in Windows 7 doubles the battery life of our laptops,” commented Jennifer Mazzanti, “effectively doubling our engineer’s productivity when they’re working on the run without a plug-in power source.”
“Windows 7 is so operationally ‘lean’ that it can run on older hardware,” shared Mazzanti. “That means our customers can extend the life of their hardware investment which often is a mix of new and older machines.”
“Windows 7 has another ‘green’ side,” noted Mazzanti. “Group policy enabled power management is a great new tool to help a company be more environmental friendly. Power savings can be particularly significant across an organization.”

What is green computing? It’s about upgrading to the newest hardware and software technologies utilizing IT support specialists like eMazzanti Technologies. The solutions will help green the earth as well as your bottom line.

Please share this newsletter with anyone who might be interested
Toy Publisher Finds New Super Hero in eMazzanti IT Solutions

Each of the aNb Media’s 13 employees was bombarded with so much spam email they wasted at least an hour a day wading through the messages. For employees that also relied on email via mobile devices, reading and eliminating spam email was even more tedious because of the small screen and reduced viewing area. “eMazzanti’s MXINSPECTemail filter solution instantly removed 99 percent of the spam from our network and mobile devices,? said Silver. “That alone gave us back 13 man-hours a day valued at more than $13,000 per month.”


WOW – WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! just wanted to let you know that I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders – usually after lunch I can expect 50-70 emails waiting for me – today I had just 5!!! It looks like the MXINSPECT system is starting to go to work. . . AHHhhhhhhhhhh

Thanks again,
-Gary Girouard
Galileo Music Corporation

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{e}Mazzanti Technologies * 701 Grand Street * Hoboken, NJ 07030 * 201-360-4400