

eMazzanti Technologies - BarnacleKeeping up to date with security patches for non Microsoft applications can be a daunting task. Redmond Security Watch author Russ Cooper recently referred to applications that come pre-installed on new computers as barnacleware. The name is apropos, these pre-installed utilities cling to new PCs slowly eating away at resources (both hard disk and memory) in the same manner that barnacles cling to a ship’s hull, slowing it down and slowly eating the hull.

Our engineers have long made it a standard practice to remove as many pre-installed applications as possible. The process can be very time consuming, but often ensures a better performing computer that is less likely to be exploited because some never used application has a newly discovered back door. Ideally when purchasing a new computer consider ordering without any pre-installed applications or even without a pre-installed Operating System. Although this may add a bit to the initial price, you will more than make it up in lower setup fees from our engineers.

Often times these pre-installed applications are not required and in many cases will never even be utilized. If you find you really can’t do without that fancy calculator or that little application that takes the red eye out of your photographs then we recommend that you be sure to check that application for updates on a regular basis. Keeping computers up to date is a crucial start in keeping your network safe and secure.