Acceptable Computer Usage Policy

Acceptable Computer Usage Policy
-Eric Reynolds
Wood Networks, Senior Technician
Whether presented as part of the company handbook, or as a standalone document, an Acceptable Computer Usage Policy is a must in today’s workplace. Having a good policy in place will clearly communicate to the staff what is acceptable and what is not. The main reason behind Acceptable Computer Usage Policy is to protect computer investments and company data. Here is a look at what should be contained in an Acceptable Computer Usage Policy.

The Policy Statement – This statement includes the items covered and has a brief overview of what is to come. It also outlines “excessive” use.

The Ownership Statement – This statement outlines what data is owned by the company. Many companies claim ownership of any data residing on their network or created while employed at the company.

The Confidentiality Statement – This outlines what is considered private and what is subject to monitoring. E-mail is usually mentioned specifically as an item which can be monitored.

The Internet Statement – This outlines internet use in much greater detail. It should mention whether personal browsing is allowed during breaks and lunch and it should include a liability statement for not following company procedure.

The Personal Electronic Equipment Statement – This outlines the use of personal computers, phones, digital cameras, and any other electronic devices. It should state that no electronic device be hooked to the network without proper consent.

The Conclusion – This is an overview of all of the policies in place, and a clear statement regarding action in case of violation of the policy.