Cyber Security

Reduce Risk, Increase Productivity and Save Money with Information Governance

Every day, the world produces 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. We send emails and texts, record financial transactions and equipment…

6 years ago

Build Your Defense Against Cryptojacking, an Increasing Threat

Security Tips to Protect Against Cryptojacking Almi Dumi, eMazzanti Technologies InfoSec Team The first cryptocurrency emerged in 2009 as Bitcoin.…

6 years ago

Don’t Fall for Dark Web Sextortion Scam

A wave of fraudulent emails containing real user data obtained from the dark web is hitting computers around the world.…

6 years ago

eMazzanti Technologies Issues Dark Web Sextortion Scam Warning

NYC area IT security consultant advises the public not to pay or fall for cyber-criminals’ false sextortion scam threats Hoboken,…

6 years ago

4 Common Sense Email Security Tips to Safeguard Vital Business Information

Email Security Tips from Alexander Verlarde Most of us spend a significant portion of our work day sending or responding…

6 years ago

3 Lessons Learned from the LifeLock Bug

A lot of people (4.5 million) depend on LifeLock, a subsidiary of security giant Symantec, to help them protect their…

6 years ago

New Smart Devices Still Vulnerable to Age-Old DNS Rebinding Attack

As technology becomes more advanced, so do cyber security attacks. It seems hackers are always coming up with new, sneakier…

6 years ago

Encrypt or Die: Why Google Chrome Listing Your HTTP Site as Unsecure Is a Disaster

If you’re still using an unencrypted HTTP site rather than an HTTPS, we’ve got some bad news. Google Chrome will…

6 years ago

Technology Partners Enable GDPR Compliance

The European Parliament adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in April 2016. GDPR provisions require businesses to protect the…

6 years ago

How to Stop Google from Tracking You—Even If Your Location History Is Off

On the surface, it seems like turning off your location history should stop Google from tracking your location. Unfortunately, it’s…

6 years ago