
Malicious email | Secure your Business | eMazzanti Technologies

Is your company's email providing a tempting route for cyber criminals to attack your business? Hackers continue to target businesses…

7 years ago

Why you need to get serious about cybersecurity

used with permission from HP Technology at Work More than half of small and midsize businesses in the U.S. have…

7 years ago

Future POS Technology: Seamlessly Integrated and Powerfully Personal

Artificial intelligence, increased security and seamless integration in near-future POS technology promise to enhance customer relationships and retailer selling opportunities.…

7 years ago

How hospitals are keeping patient data secure

Given the wealth of sensitive personal data healthcare organizations process and store, it's no surprise that hospitals, medical offices, and…

8 years ago

Breaking down silos – tools for better communication and collaboration

Today’s workforce is spread across more locations than ever before: 37 percent of workers telecommuted to some degree in 2015. Companies occupy…

8 years ago

How to create an effective cyber hygiene program

used with permission from the Microsoft Secure Blog by Ann Johnson, Vice-President, Enterprise Cybersecurity Group As noted in the 2016 Verizon…

8 years ago

How to improve disaster recovery preparedness

If you woke up tomorrow and ran a marathon, how would you fare? It’s highly doubtful that you would successfully…

8 years ago

Azure Backup protects against ransomware

Your backups need to be protected from sophisticated bot and malware attacks. Permanent loss of data can have significant cost…

8 years ago

3 techniques for successful cloud collaboration

used with permission from Microsoft Office Blogs What’s your business’s motivation for implementing cloud collaboration solutions? The ones we hear most…

8 years ago

Find Your Style with Fashion VR

The future of fashion as imagined by Fashion VR technology experts Last year’s London Fashion Week highlighted the exciting technology…

8 years ago